TF - Personal pages¶
I am currently working on networks associated to fluxes of organic matter to determine how one could recover nutrients that are curently lost in cities and bring them back to the soil for a more sustainable agri-food system. This work (codename CAFE) is done at the ENPC, with Fabien Esculier and other members of the OCAPI program.
I did my first postdoc at the University of Tübingen and the Max Planck Institute for Biological Cybernetics, in the team of Anna Levina where I investigated complex networks and the impact of neuronal energetics on the behavior and function of neurons and neuronal networks.
I defended my PhD in the NeuroPhysics team of the MSC laboratory in Paris 7. My thesis subject concerned the growth and activity of neural cultures, focusing on the emergence of organized behaviors (more details and manuscript on the PhD project page).
2022--today: postdoctoral fellowship on Circular Agri-Food Ecosystems, analyzing trajectories to recover nutrients in cities and bring them back to agricultural parcels, in the LEESU (ENPC, UPEC) thanks to a Marie Curie Action.
2019--2022: postdoctoral project on complex networks and neuronal* energetics in the lab of Anna Levina (University of Tübingen, Max Planck Institute for Biological Cybernetics) thank to a Humboldt Postdoctoral Fellowship.
2015--2018: PhD student in the CNRS/Paris Diderot University "Matter and Complex Systems Laboratory", supervised by P. Monceau and S. Bottani.
Subject: Growth and activity of neural cultures, emergence of organized behaviors.
Theoretical work based on the observations from our collaborators in Barcelona and at the Weizmann and Curie institutes, in Rehovot (Israel) and Paris. Rewarded by the Complex Systems prize from the ISC2014--2015: 2nd year of masters degree in the École Normale Supérieure (ENS) of Lyon, majoring in statistical physics, nonlinear dynamics and complex systems/networks (highest honors).
Internship: P. Dominey (SBRI, Bron), Influence of topology on the efficiency of neural networks; collaboration with the team of H. Kennedy.2013--2014: Passed the "Agrégation" of physics (highest French competitive exam for physics teachers) with rank 16.
2012--2013: 2nd year of masters degree in the ENS Lyon. 3-month internship in Japan: T. Kawai (NAIST), Photochromes, circular dichroism, and chiral luminescence.
2011--2012: Bachelor degree in the ENS Lyon, in Matter Sciences (highest honors). Internship: Y. Petit (ICMCB, Bordeaux), glasses for high-density data storage using nonlinear optics.
2009--2011: Prep-school in mathematics, physics, and chemistry (Toulouse, France). Accepted to the École Polytechnique and the ENS Lyon.
Computer science:
Unix administration, cluster management.
Hybrid programming in MPI/OpenMP (C++).
Object-Oriented and scientific programming in Python/Cython.
Member and developer in the NEST initiative.
Relevant software:
NEST, for parallel simulations of neuronal activity.
Graph-tool, for network analysis.
NNGT (personal library), for network generation and topology--activity correlation analysis.
English, C2 level.
German (former B2).
Japanese, B1 level.
Member of Labos 1point5.
Former member of the Max Planck Sustainability Network (MPSN), part of the 1st steering committee and of the Advisory Board.
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